The systems above 100 KVA require special design consideration and shall match with the specific industry appliances and load. We perform a feasibility study and report prior to start the design. In the study various options are evaluated against each other e.g. Type of solar panels, Inverters, Battery back-up, On-grid, Off-grid or Hybrid. Rapid Power team recommends the best possible and suitable solution to clients after a series of thorough studies. First we discuss with you to understand your energy problem then own it and work for the solution together. We don’t leave you alone even after the project is delivered but we take full responsibility of maintenance throughout the project life.

On-Grid Solar Systems
On-Grid or Grid-Tie solar systems are most common and widely used by residential, commercial or industrial sector. This system connects the system to the electrical grid and allows the Residential, Commercial and Industrial Users to use both – the grid’s electricity and solar energy. The unique feature of this system is that when the Users do not need power or there is excess of it, the solar panels automatically send the excess electricity produced back to the grid, thereby making it useful somewhere else. On the other side, in the event that the solar panels are unable to produce enough power for the users (due to cloudy and stormy days, night time), the users get their electric supply from the grid. This allows users payback and offset of units generated and exported to Grid by solar system on applying Net-Metereing facility from concerned Authorities.
Off-Grid Solar Systems
Off Grid systems are similar to Hybrid systems but dependent on batteries or Generator (Optional) for providing energy at night time or cloudy weather conditions.To ensure that the users do not suffer any inconvenience when the solar panels are unable to produce power and the batteries are discharged, there is an electric generator that can be added, as part of the overall system. This generator would serve as the power source during periods of short or irregular power production and or excessive demand on the power produced by the Solar System.

Hybrid systems combine solar, grid and battery storage in one and are now available in many different forms, capacity and configurations. Due to the increasing cost of battery storage, systems that are already connected to the electricity grid can start taking advantage of battery storage as well. This means being able to store solar energy that is generated during the day and using it at night. When the stored energy is depleted, the grid is there as a backup, allowing consumers to have the best of both sides. Hybrid systems are also able to charge the batteries using cheap electricity with the minimum connection from the normal grid so that the batteries can be used again in the night as a backup or at peak tariff hours.