Net metering allows residential and commercial consumers who generate their own electricity from solar power to sell the electricity they aren’t using back into the Grid/Power Company.
Net metering is an electricity policy for consumers, who own / plan to setup a Renewable Energy facility, which allows them to produce electricity (using wind and solar) for their own use and supply the excess produce to the national grid setting-off units of electricity consumed during off-peak hours or at times when the production from RE facility is not enough to meet the consumer load. The consumer will either pay reduced utility bill or get paid for access energy exported to the grid.
NEPRA, in September 2015, issued its net-metering regulations that allow the DISCOs in Pakistan to purchase excess units of electricity produced by the consumers, and net them off against the units consumed from the grid. Renewable Energy is a long-term power solution. The Solar PV Technology gives access to affordable electricity supply during system life. Residential and commercial customers can switch their electricity load to Renewable Energy (RE) and can slash their power bills. The below picture below illustrates the flow of electricity from distribution company to the end-user and to the Grid.
Renewable Energy (RE) and can slash their power bills. The below picture below illustrates the flow of electricity from distribution company to the end-user and to the Grid.
NEPRA announced the official National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Alternative & Renewable Energy) Distributed Generation and Net Metering Regulations on September 1, 2015. As per these regulations, any customer of the national grid (having three-phase connection) can avail net-metering facility for small-scale (1kW to 1MW) Renewable Energy installations.